Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some Paintings from France

I'm just back from an extended holiday in France, which included a week painting with the renowned Wapping Group. It was great to meet up again with such renowned artists as Trevor Chamberlain, Bert Wright and Michael Richardson and many other too numerous to mention. So a lot of healthy competition then for someone who doesn't usually paint street scenes!

Here is one from Honfleur:-

The Lieutenant's House, Honfleur
(10" x 12" Oil on Board)

And one from Saumur:-

Sunday Lunch, Place St Pierre, Saumur
(14" x 11" Oil on Board)

I did this one in the beautiful little town of Bayeux on my way back to Cherbourg:-

The Day Before the Fair, Bayeux
(12" x 10" Oil on Board)

Here's a photo of the first scene:-

More to follow when I get time.

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